Sunday, March 3, 2013

On the importance of Language in Accounting

I think languages are important not just to be accountants, but to be global citizens in this world. More importantly, it has benefits that transcend mere language learning. It is tragic that schools do not encourage bi- or even tri-lingualism.

Studies show these are some of the benefits of learning more than one language (see

1. those who are bilingual develop the concept of "object permanence" (ie., that same object can be referred to differently) at an earlier age 

2. foreign language learning is much more a cognitive problem solving activity than a linguistic activity, overall. Studies have shown repeatedly that foreign language learning increases critical thinking skills, creativity, and flexibility of mind

3. children who study a foreign language, even when this second language study takes time away from the study of mathematics, outperform (on standardized tests of mathematics) students who do not study a foreign language and have more mathematical instruction during the school day

4.  longer sequences of foreign language instruction seem to lead to better academic achievement, overall

5. Because second language instruction provides young children with better cognitive flexibility and creative thinking skills, it can offer gifted students the intellectual and developmental challenges they need and desire.  

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