Thursday, April 25, 2013

On Sugar Substitutes

After trying all sorts of these sugar substitutes, I have at last switched to unprocessed (raw) honey. Must seem strange since I have been a severe diabetic for over 20 years. When the blood sugar is high, I either forego sweetness or occasionally use splenda which also I think is very bad.

You never know what these chemicals with fancy names do to you. If you knew, you wouldn't let then get close to you.  I have had problems with every one I have used. The worst was aspertame, which led to temporary loss of short term memory to such an extent that while lecturing to class I would have to stop mid-sentence since I would forget the first half of the sentence. Very embarrassing. That was years ago.

Processed sugar is the biggest culprit. How many of us know that formaldehyde (yes, the same thing used in embalming to kill microbes) is used in processing sugar (to get rid of microbes) and so is chlorine? I have heard of studies that show that incidence of diabetes and tooth decay are far less in sugar growing areas in the world because the people there chew sugar cane and have sugarcane juice and unprocessed molasses rather than sugar. When I was growing up, sugar was a rarity in the house. Always had unprocessed molasses or honey, even in coffee and tea.

In the US, I have found that rapadura sugar is the healthiest. It is basically evaporated sugarcane juice with NOTHING else in it. Don't fall for the ads for brown sugar, it is just white sugar spiked with molasses, and so is demerera or turbinado sugar.

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